What does Sensodyne Expert gain Last days to join the action!

What does the Sensodyne Expert gain? Last days to join the campaign!

What does Sensodyne Expert gain? Last days to join the action!

Access to a dedicated closed Facebook group, a package of products to test, and the opportunity to discuss and exchange views with female colleagues – these are just a few of the benefits that await participants in the Sensodyne Experts program, organized by GSK – owner of such brands as Sensodyne, Parodontax and Corega. These are the last days to join the action!

The Sensodyne Expert Program is organized for dental hygienists, for whom the work is more than just the daily performance of professional duties. The Sensodyne expert knows that she is a very important link in the entire dental team, realizes the need to constantly acquire knowledge and improve skills, and is aware of her educational role in oral health in patients.

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